14 mars 2015 6 14 /03 /mars /2015 10:01

Nous en avons parlé hier, le Mod HSO 1973 Championship Cars pour rFactor est maintenant disponible !

rFactor Mod HSO 1973 Championship Cars disponible !
rFactor Mod HSO 1973 Championship Cars disponible !

Crédits (en anglais) :

3D modeling: JP Campmajo, David Sabre, Jason White, Trevor Greene, PieRat
Physics: Alberto Ibañez
Skins: Jason White, Austin Johnson, David Sabre
Sounds: Richard Wilks (a.k.a. Skywilk)
Shaders: SRPL ShaderPack
Research: Frank Verplanken, Richard Coxon, Jason White, Alberto Ibañez, Austin Johnson, David Sabre, Jigger Sirois
Betatesters: Guillaume Siebert, Alberto Ibañez, Jason White, Richard Coxon, Trevor Greene, David Sabre, Austin Johnson, Jukka Maattanen, Mike Becnel, Yves Plaçais, Tiago Malafaya, Martin Audran, Ben Paulet, John Fuqua
The Bible: Frank Verplanken



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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 23:47

Bonsoir à tous,

Ce soir, iRacing.com a diffusé une vidéo pour la prochaine course d'endurance officielle : Les 12h de Sebring, le dernier week-end de Mars.


Pour l'occasion, ils annoncent la mise en place d'un Championnat d'endurance unique, avec à chaque fois, la HPD et les différentes GT3.


Les courses faisant partie de ce "Endurance Championship" sont les suivantes :

• Daytona 24

• Sebring 12 Hour

• 6 Hours at the Glen

• 24 Hours of Spa

• Petit Le Mans

• Nurburgring (si disponible en fin 2015)


Ces courses débuteront à 13h GMT.


Pour information, les 12h de Sebring commencent à 13h GMT (soit 14h pour nous car nous sommes en GMT+1) et finiront à 1h GMT (soit... 3h du matin pour nous, car on passera en GMT+2 cette nuit là !), ne vous faites pas avoir !


Avant de vous diffuser la vidéo, laissez moi vous montrez quelques choses, dont aucune annonce (officielle ?) n'a été faite : La GT3 Challenge Serie est officiellement renommée en "BlancPain Sprint Serie". Si vous ne me croyez pas, allez voir par vous même sur votre profil (les anciennes series GT3 sont renommées Blancpain automatiquement). Un beau partenariat avec SRO pour cette compétition automobile de plus en plus importante !

iRacing - Championnat d'endurance et renommage de la Serie GT3 !

Et pour finir, la vidéo de présentation des 12h de Sebring :

Une dernière information : Les véritables 12h de Sebring se dérouleront le week-end prochain. A titre informatif, les US ont déjà fait leur changement d’horaire le week-end dernier, donc nous avons dorénavant 5h de décalage avec eux, et non plus six. Donc sans dire trop de bêtises, la course débutera à 15h45 heure française. On fera un article pour ça, comme l'an dernier.


Bon week-end sur The Racing Line (ou le Nürb, ou Monza, ou la page de pré-commande, ça dépend sur quelle simulation vous êtes).



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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 18:51

Arrivé mercredi sur Steam, le très attendu "Dream Pack", première extension d'Assetto Corsa, contient dix voitures ainsi que la célèbre Nordschleife.

Avant de dépenser les 14,99€ nécessaires pour acquérir ce "DLC". Que diriez-vous de passer ensemble les modèles proposés ?


Dans la vidéo qui suit, je monte dans chacune des voitures sur le tracé de Spa-Francorchamps. Je cours un tour rapide et on voit ce que ça donne.


Montez le son!

Assetto Corsa - Le "Dream Pack" à la loupe.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 15:06

Bien que la nouvelle génération des simulations pointe le bout de son nez, quelques équipes de Modding travaillent encore et toujours sur rFactor, à l'image de ce Mod HSO 1973 Championship Cars actuellement en cours de préparation.

Source : Forum HSO

Vidéo : Jason White

Créateurs du Mod : HSO Factory

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 04:33

Un regard sur Project CARS (build 945)...

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12 mars 2015 4 12 /03 /mars /2015 04:39

Images rares du duel historique entre Prost et Senna. Un net avantage pour Ayrton, 1,7 secondes plus rapide, sur cette séance de qualification, exercice favori du brésilien, sur le circuit de Suzuka en 1989.

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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 23:30
Assetto Corsa - Dream Pack disponible !

Assetto Corsa a sortie, dans les temps, le Dream Pack, ainsi que son patch 1.1


Le DLC intégre donc les voitures suivantes :

  • Alfa Romeo GTA
  • Alfa Romeo 155 V6 TI
  • Alfa Romeo 4C
  • BMW M235i Racing
  • Corvette C7.r GTE
  • McLaren F1 GTR
  • McLaren P1
  • Mercedes-Benz Sauber C9
  • Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.5-16 Evolution II DTM


Ainsi que le circuit du Nürburgring avec trois variantes :

  • Circuit des 24h du Nürburgring
  • Uniquement le Nordschleife
  • Circuit "Tourist", avec la barrière de péage


Je viens d'y passé quelques heures, le circuit est un pur régal, et la M235i ainsi que la P1 et la Corvette sont des vraies merveilles.Et ce circuit...


Le changelog complet de la 1.1 se trouve ci-dessous


- Added ai-hints
– New penalty system
– Added Kick Quorum to the server
– Fixed sound pops and clicks for some cars engines
– Fixed traction control sound events
– Fixed Tatuus FA01 limiter sound
– Improved sound dynamics under load for some cars
– Launcher: more graceful handling of missing/problematic content
– Launcher default theme: personal best time grid filtering by car/track added
– Fixed blank resolution box
– Fixed missing sound events
– Fixed crashes volume
– Reworked envelopment for interior and exterior sounds
– Higher exterior volume for surround speaker configurations
– Fixed tyre fake shadows in slowmo replay
– Improved AI
– Added custom head movements per car (driver3d.ini)
– Driver helmet/head now cast shadows in onboard camera
– Added custom weather selection
– Improved Pedals App
– Rendering performance optimizations
– Particle rendering optimiziations
– Render Stats form now features units
– Added “final” damage for high speed impacts
– Added quality settings to replay that allow up to 4x longer replays
– Fixed driver shift preload animation at race start
– Fixed camera car not using FOV value
– Fixed AI choosing wrong (slow) tyres
– Updated FMod to 1.05.13
– Updated Fmod SDK project (minor envelopment improvements)
– Tweaked exterior reverb parameters
– Tweaked envelopment values for some sound events
– Improved positional surface sounds
– Fixed wind and tyre rolling noise
– Fixed doppler effect for rev limiter and horn
– Fixed FOV in mirrors, now editable in system/cfg/assetto_corsa.ini
– AI race starts greatly improved
– Fixed wrong shadow resolution when moving through F6 camera car cameras
– Fixed graphics not following dynamic track grip levels in Multiplayer
– Fixed “fast” height evaluation for validating setup ignoring tyre pressure
– FPS caps is now compatible with the new 1ms resolution timer
– Suicidal server admins are now a protected species and not allowed to kick themselves anymore – Adjusted fuel consumption for most of the cars
– UI now understand fuel range relative to car and track and adjust maximum race lap count automatically for quick races and race weekends against the AI
– Added 4WD simulation in drivetrain.ini
– Added live axle suspension geometry
– [DATA] section in aero.ini is now obsolete and must be eliminated. HEADER=2 is mandatory if damage is used.
– AC now support multiple configurations on circuits
– A to B gameplay options for hillclimb tracks and specific circuits that support.
– Tyre pressures can now be shown in digital_instruments.ini
– Limited static weather situations can now be selected from the UI. Weather is also moddable.
– Time Attack now has a global multiplier that controls the amount of time available for the first checkpoint.
– Customizable TrackIR rotation range.
– Chat window now supports full Unicode charset

Site Assetto Corsa


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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 23:23
iRacing - Patch Saison 2 2015 disponible

iRacing se met à jour aujourd'hui, pour la Saison 2 2015.


Au programme, dans les grandes lignes : l'arrivée de Monza, avec 9 variantes possibles, et deux nouveau véhicules : la Chevrolet Silverado et la Toyota Tundra.


De plus, iRacing met à jour son site web pour le rendre un peu plus ergonomique.


Pour rappel, Monza est le dernier circuit Road avant la sortie du Nürburgring Nordschleife.


Vous trouverez le patch-note complet ci-dessous :

New Content Highlights

- New track: Autodromo Nazionale Monza. Further details in the Tracks section of these release notes.

- New vehicles: NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado and NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra. Further details in the Cars section of these release notes.


Navigation and Site Organization

- Member Site global wrapper has been cleaned up, navigation has been reorganized to help new and old users find things more intuitively.

- The News Room, Race Guide, and Hosted Races pages now contain friendly buttons to help you jump to most main activities (Practice, Popular Races & Practices, Official Races, and Hosted Races).

- Many redundant dashboard widgets have been removed due to redundancy. The only ones that are being left in are the Race Planner and the Service Status widgets, which can be reordered, but not removed.

- The What's Hot widget has been removed and replaced with a full-page Popular Races guide - same data, more useful.

- The Settings panel has only one pane of settings, because there are no widgets to configure, and no tickers.

- There's an Store Overview page now, that lets you see all that iRacing has for sale at-a-glance.


- The Quick Start guide has been revamped, and is actually quick now.

- Paint Policy and Unofficial policies have been updated (new pdfs).


- On the page for Ignored League Applications, clicking the red X will now delete the correct entry.

- Leagues now can track & edit Team Standings for individual League Seasons.

- League Session tooltips are now consolidated, and grow to the left to stay within the global wrapper.

- League Seasons are now sorted by the most recent races that have occurred.

- League Members may now opt out of receiving league mail.

- Fixed an issue where parsing fixed setups for league races would sometimes lead to a page not loading fully.

- Added an error state for max-lengths of League Member nicknames.


- Added a button within My Teams to allow people to willingly leave a team.

- Transfer of Team Ownership now works as intended.

- Fixed a bug in the Team Registration dialogue where selecting a car in a multiclass session would sometimes load the car image either in a huge form, or would never let the loading indicator go away.

- Fixed Team Session Details rollover tooltips to properly show GMT dates/times & local times.

- On "My Profile", a link in "my last 10 races" will now link to a team's page, where applicable.


- Racepanel tooltips now expand upwards to keep them within the global wrapper.

- Repaired the spotters page so that it loads in all situations correctly, and will display errors that were being lost in some operations.

- Earned Credits and MPR statistics have been moved to the "My Profile" page.

- 11 sets of Series assets have been updated to prevent the issue where the fixed, teams, and multiclass banners won't overlap.

- We fixed an issue where sometimes on results, you wouldn't be able to see your fastest lap.

- The log in page now has a different internal structure, so that certain password keepers won't incorrectly send users to the wrong place.

- Some results show relevant data where "- - -" was displaying.

- Fixed an issue where track configs sometimes would disappear from the testing panel.

- If a series is active, but doesn't have any scheduled sessions, it now reports that there aren't any, instead of showing "purchase required."

- Fixed an issue with joining a friend's race from the fixed footer where members could potentially get misregistered.

- Racepanel & Testpanel car forum links are removed.

- When editing "My Profile", a cancel button now shows if you want to cancel. Error messages are more robust if something goes wrong while editing.


- Existing iRacing users who didn't sign up using Steam may now generate a steam key to link their iRacing & Steam accounts. Here's how:

1) Go to "My Account", and at the bottom of the page there's a button to generate a Steam Key - click it.

2) Open Steam, and in the top-level menu, click Games, and then click Activate a Product on Steam...

3) Follow the steps on-screen until you're asked for a Steam Key. Type in your Steam Key, then submit it. If you already have iRacing installed on your system, you don't need to install it again via Steam in the steps following activation.

4) Finally, enable the Steam Overlay in iRacing by doing any one of these:

· Click the "Click here to enable it" button on account home once you've generated your key. This will automatically enable the Steam Overlay.

· Opening your settings dashboard on any page within the main membersite and turn Steam Overlay on under the section marked "Use Steam Overlay."

· Open or create "_use64bit.txt" in the iRacing installation directory, type the number 1 into it, and save it.



- Add max percent fuel fill and weight penalty to the Info tab on the session screen.

- We now display the total number of available fast repairs that are available for a race on the Session screen's Info tab.

- Fix a bug where you could potentially get the Options screen to open up while you also entered the car at the same time.


- Improved the suspension modeling to account for flexibility of the suspension mounting points. This softens the resulting wheel rate of every car by 2-20% depending on the car. Car setups are likely to fail tech inspection and will need to have their ride heights adjusted to restore their previous levels, and also may need to have slightly stiffer springs selected to offset the extra flex and to regain desired handling characteristics. Most cars have had some degree of tuning to make sure there are no problems with suspension travel and to make sure enough range of adjustment is available.

- All of our cars have updated iRacing setups adjusted for these suspension changes.

- All cars now drop into the world with a warmed up motor, they start at about 170F / 77C now instead of ambient air temp.

- Official sessions can now have a per-car weight penalty and a per-car fuel-fill limit, similar to what is available when Hosted sessions are created. These settings are displayed on the Info tab on the Session screen inside the simulation. We will work on getting the values displayed in appropriate places on the web site. For the moment these values are not used in any series. But they are available to help tune the balance of performance in multi-car series as the season progresses.


- Made some changes to help repair the iRacing installation when a "Failed to verify signature on program executable" error occurs while trying to launch the simulator. This can happen when Windows is "restored" from a restore point, which unfortunately only restores some of our files and causes our installation to become corrupt.


- Add in a "video timer", for the broadcasters, that indicates on the display exactly where in the tape you are so you can easily synchronize videos between live driving and a replay tape.

- Added a keyboard macro to fast forward the replay based on session number and session time. Using the number pad, type +num+time<enter>, following the format of the new video timer display.


- Add in new iRSDK remote message to fast forward replay based on a session number and session time.

- Output shock velocity to telemetry.

Fast Repairs

- All cars now have a checkbox in the F4 Fuel black box to allow the driver to choose whether or not they want to use a fast repair in the upcoming pitstop. Also shown beside the checkbox is the number of remaining fast repairs. If a race is configured for unlimited fast repairs, that will show as 255 remaining. The checkbox will not check when no fast repairs are remaining (0 shown). Fast repairs are only available for use during races, so during testing or practice or qualifying you will see 0 fast repairs remaining.

Driver Swap

- Fixed a problem with the way the client notifies the server that pit service is complete. If that notification was generated very frequently (due to a bug), it would prevent other notifications from being sent to the server, such as requests to get out of the car.

- Fix a bug where getting out of your car while in your pit stall when the pit exit is closed during a caution period could cause an exit closed pits black flag.


- Updated general drafting behavior a little to improve racing.


- NE and Texas Club logos updated.


Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Wheels are now color changeable.

Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1

- Updated to 4-way dampers.

- Fix bad chassis ballast metric/english conversion.

Chevrolet Impala Old Class B

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Remove wedge adjustment cap as it can cause problems building a setup.

- Allow 10" of perch adjustment at each corner.

- Drafting adjustments.

- Plate engine updates.

- Set correct gear, and superspeedway drafting for Monza.

Chevrolet Impala-COT

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Remove wedge adjustment cap as it can cause problems building a setup.

- Allow 10" of perch adjustment at each corner.

- Removed right rear perch limit that can cause problems.

- Drafting updates.

- New power curves and rev limits.

- Diff adjustments.

- Plate engine updates.

- Fixed the bug where if you tried to set more than 80% tape during a race pitstop the pitstop would never end. The problem was that the car was being limited to 80% tape for the race, but the pitcrew did not know about that limit. Now they do.

Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Fixed a unit precision error and typo with how the metric value for ballast weight position is displayed.

Chevrolet Silverado - circa 2013

- The Chevrolet Silverado has been renamed to Chevrolet Silverado - circa 2013.

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Allow 10" of perch adjustment at each corner.

- Updates to drafting.

- Updates to gear selections.

- Plate engine updates.

- Weight brought to NASCAR legal limit.

- Increase downforce at superspeedway tracks.

- Add splitter to ground proximity efficiency.

Dallara DW12

- Eliminated the "soft" 3rd bump rubber option.

- Increase maximum spring rates at ovals.

- Add provisions to get a draggy Speedway setup at Monza by increasing IndySWY aero to allow +10 rear wing angle. This will have the side effect allowing that same setting at Indianapolis also.

Ford Falcon FG V8

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Ford Falcon FG01 V8 - circa 2012

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Ford GT

- Rear video camera redone to reduce distortion.

Ford GT GT3

- Updates using the latest FIA Homologation Papers: engine parameters including torque curve and maximum RPM, gearbox and differential, brakes, suspension geometry, suspension spring rate ranges, and ride height ranges.

- Shift lights adjusted.

Ford Mustang FR500S

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Holden Commodore VF V8

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.


- The nose is now fully repairable.

Kia Optima

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Legends Ford '34 Coupe

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Lotus 49

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Allow the car more suspension droop travel and open up the ride height limits in the rear.

Mazda MX-5 Cup

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Mazda MX-5 Roadster

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Modified - SK

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado

- The NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado Truck is now available. These trucks each weigh 3400lbs with 625 horsepower. They will debut in the NASCAR iRacing Class C Series and NASCAR iRacing Class Series Fixed.

- The Existing or "Old" Chevy Silverado will no longer be used in the normal official Series. It will be renamed: Chevy Silverado - circa 2013.

- Physics is identical to the new NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra, the two trucks can share setups.

NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra

- The NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra Truck is now available. These trucks each weigh 3400lbs with 625 horsepower. They will debut in the NASCAR iRacing Class C Series and NASCAR iRacing Class Series Fixed.

- Physics is identical to the new NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado, the two trucks can share setups.

NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala

- The Chevrolet National Impala has been renamed to NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala.

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Allow 10" of perch adjustment at each corner.

- Drafting adjustments.

- Plate engine updates.

- Control drag and downforce with splitter height.

- Set correct gear, and superspeedway drafting for Monza.

- Fixed the bug where if you tried to set more than 80% tape during a race pitstop the pitstop would never end. The problem was that the car was being limited to 80% tape for the race, but the pitcrew did not know about that limit. Now they do.

NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet SS

- The Chevrolet SS-Gen6 has been renamed to NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet SS.

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Make fuel adjustable in qualifying sessions.

- Now uses 'shock springs' which replace bumpstops.

- Suspension geometry is adjusted.

- Rear bar is usable at road courses only.

- Reduce ballast weight by 50 lb to match new 3250 lb car weight rule.

- Rear shock damping increased 1.5x on the high side.

- Downforce and drag scaled to 2015 specifications, which is less than 2014.

- Drafting updates.

- New power curves and rev limits.

- Plate engine updates.

- Diff adjustments.

- Rear non Super Speedway spoilers and contingency decals updated to 2015 season rules.

- New shift light RPM at 9000 due to new rev limit and power curve.

- Fixed the bug where if you tried to set more than 80% tape during a race pitstop the pitstop would never end. The problem was that the car was being limited to 80% tape for the race, but the pitcrew did not know about that limit. Now they do.

- New pit road war wagons.

NASCAR Sprint Cup Ford Fusion

- The Ford Fusion-Gen6 has been renamed to NASCAR Sprint Cup Ford Fusion.

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Make fuel adjustable in qualifying sessions.

- Now uses 'shock springs' which replace bumpstops.

- Suspension geometry is adjusted.

- Rear bar is usable at road courses only.

- Reduce ballast weight by 50 lb to match new 3250 lb car weight rule.

- Rear shock damping increased 1.5x on the high side.

- Downforce and drag scaled to 2015 specifications, which is less than 2014.

- Drafting updates.

- New power curves and rev limits.

- Plate engine updates.

- Diff adjustments.

- Rear non Super Speedway spoilers and contingency decals updated to 2015 season rules.

- New shift light RPM at 9000 due to new rev limit and power curve.

- Fixed the bug where if you tried to set more than 80% tape during a race pitstop the pitstop would never end. The problem was that the car was being limited to 80% tape for the race, but the pitcrew did not know about that limit. Now they do.

- New pit road war wagons.

- Fix for nose and rear disappearing at extreme distances.

NASCAR Sprint Cup Toyota Camry

- The Toyota Camry-Gen6 has been renamed to NASCAR Sprint Cup Toyota Camry.

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Make fuel adjustable in qualifying sessions.

- Now uses 'shock springs' which replace bumpstops.

- Suspension geometry is adjusted.

- Rear bar is usable at road courses only.

- Reduce ballast weight by 50 lb to match new 3250 lb car weight rule.

- Rear shock damping increased 1.5x on the high side.

- Downforce and drag scaled to 2015 specifications, which is less than 2014.

- Drafting updates.

- New power curves and rev limits.

- Plate engine updates.

- Diff adjustments.

- Rear non Super Speedway spoilers and contingency decals updated to 2015 season rules.

- New shift light RPM at 9000 due to new rev limit and power curve.

- Fixed the bug where if you tried to set more than 80% tape during a race pitstop the pitstop would never end. The problem was that the car was being limited to 80% tape for the race, but the pitcrew did not know about that limit. Now they do.

- New pit road war wagons.

NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified

- The Modified - Tour has been renamed to NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified.

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro

- The Chevrolet Camaro Class B has been renamed to NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro.

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Allow 10" of perch adjustment at each corner.

- Drafting adjustments.

- Plate engine updates.

- Control drag and downforce with splitter height.

- Set correct gear, and superspeedway drafting for Monza.

- Fixed the bug where if you tried to set more than 80% tape during a race pitstop the pitstop would never end. The problem was that the car was being limited to 80% tape for the race, but the pitcrew did not know about that limit. Now they do.

- New pit road war wagons.


- The Ford Mustang Class B has been renamed to NASCAR XFINITY Ford Mustang.

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Remove wedge adjustment cap as it can cause problems building a setup.

- Allow 10" of perch adjustment at each corner.

- Drafting adjustments.

- Plate engine updates.

- Control drag and downforce with splitter height.

- Set correct gear, and superspeedway drafting for Monza.

- Fixed the bug where if you tried to set more than 80% tape during a race pitstop the pitstop would never end. The problem was that the car was being limited to 80% tape for the race, but the pitcrew did not know about that limit. Now they do.

- New pit road war wagons.

Pontiac Solstice

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Fixed the Rookie's tire black box to show the actual cold pressure of 32 psi instead of an incorrect 3.2 psi.

Radical SR8

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Fixed problems with bumpstop engagement, coil binding springs, hyper-extending shocks and damping, allow more spring and shock travel. The shocks have been rebuilt as linear, instead of digressive, with more high speed damping than before.

Riley MkXX Daytona Prototype

- Added an aero calculator to the garage.

- Now has a replaceable nose and wing.

Ruf RT 12R AWD

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Ruf RT 12R RWD

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

SCCA Spec Racer Ford

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Wheels are now color changeable.

- Brake rotor glow enabled.

Silver Crown

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Skip Barber Formula 2000

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Sprint Car

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Street Stock

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Super Late Model

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

- Fixed a unit precision error and typo with how the metric value for ballast weight position is displayed.

- Changed from adjustable packer and bumpstop stiffness to only adjustable packer.

VW Jetta TDI Cup

- The pitcrew can now replace parts that are damaged beyond repair, instead of simply ending your race with a disqualification for being too damaged.

Williams-Toyota FW31

- Reduce rear downforce loss with rear car damage - testers noting it's fairly sensitive.

- Reduce downforce loss with aerodynamic stall. This will gain some downforce above 260kph but not a whole hell of a lot.

- Give low downforce trim a bit more advantage.

- Updates to the shock and spring ranges.


- Improved traffic cone 3D models and textures.

Autodromo Nazionale Monza

- Autodromo Nazionale Monza is now available. Monza has three very different tracks: the 3.6 mile Grand Prix circuit which hosts the Italian Grand Prix, a 1.49 mile Junior circuit, and the 2.64 mile Pista di Alta Velocita (the high banked oval).

- iRacing's Monza features nine configurations: three variations of the GP circuit, the junior circuit, the historic oval left and right turning, and three variations which combine the high banked oval with the modern GP circuit.

Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps

- Make sure brake markers are visible even with minimal graphic settings.

Gateway Motorsports Park

- Make sure the crowd in the Main and Turn 12 stands disappears if the graphic detail settings are low enough to turn off the grandstand.

Michigan International Speedway

- Turn 4 grandstand crowds no longer disappear at long distances.

Forum iRacing


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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 23:10
pCars - &quot;Finalement, on va attendre mai !&quot;

C'est la mauvaise nouvelle du jour, après la sortie du Nürburgring sur AC, Slightly Mad Studios propose de détruire notre euphorie avec un nouveau report de leur jeu. Ce sera plus début avril, comme prévu, mais mi-mai 2015. Ils prévoient un cadeau de compensation...



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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 04:41

Une vidéo en incrustation avec une BMW DTM92 et le volant Thrusmaster T300 RS sur RaceRoom Racing Experience.

Merci à MrBiscotte pour la création et le partage.

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