26 juillet 2014 6 26 /07 /juillet /2014 10:26

Cette vidéo est la présentation des développements en cours autour de la Corvette C6.R, développée par UnitedRacingDesign et convertie par SandroX, pour Assetto Corsa. 


On ne sait pas encore si tout le Mod Endurance Racing X sera converti ou si seule la Corvette C6.R sera portée sur Assetto Corsa. C'est pour l'heure, en tous cas, plutôt prometteur !

Source : VirtualR.net

Vidéo : Alexander Kholodkevich

Créateurs du Mod : UnitedRacingDesign

Portage sur Assetto Corsa : Sandrox


Lien :

> Le Mod Endurance Racing X pour Assetto Corsa ?

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26 juillet 2014 6 26 /07 /juillet /2014 06:52

On ne perd pas de temps du côté de la scène du Modding, le Mod Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 (mise à jour) pour Assetto Corsa est maintenant disponible !

Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !
Assetto Corsa Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 disponible !

Liste des modifications (en anglais) :


Includes REQUIRED FIX for 18/07/2014 base game update.
Due to big disadvantage for sequential shifter users, shifting time for sequential shifters now matches H-shifter
minor changes to suspension
changes to default setup
fuel consumption is now set


Source : VirtualR.net

Créateurs du Mod : the_meco & Pankykapus

Rendus (illustrations de ce billet) : RacingRenders


Lien :

> Téléchargement Mod Shelby Cobra 0.25 pour Assetto Corsa

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26 juillet 2014 6 26 /07 /juillet /2014 06:37

Le circuit Nordschleife Tourist 1.70 pour rFactor 2 est maintenant disponible !

rFactor 2 circuit Nordschleife Tourist 1.70 disponible !

Liste des modifications (en anglais) :

DJC Changelog

- Fixed broken trees
- Added 104 grid spots, with first 20 more spaced out than the rest (Test your 64 bit versions of rfactor2 on this I dare you)
- Added 20 pit boxes
- Added 40 garages (<-had some help from Tosch here)
- In pit area, lowered pavements by 4cm’s to help AI leave area without getting stuck on them. Making the track online friendly is easy making it AI friendly is not so
- Added start lights to the bridge (race mode only)
- Made 759 LOD changes in order to both improve FPS and reduce pop up’s where needed
- Fixed 3 holes in the road
- Cleaned up the camp sites, removing some of the not so finished looking items like flying people, and floating camper vans.
- Fixed a sign that said ‘Start Timed Lap Here’, it was only viewable from the back but not from the front.
- Fixed the roof on the ticket house.
- Made pitlane 0.5 metres wider to help AI pit without crashing.
- Added tire stack at pit entrance to make it more visible from road.
- Fixed the odd flickering bush.
- Removed a number of trees that were growing outside the guardrails. (I would have fixed a lot more but found 3DSimED3 was braking the Billboarding effect of the trees, so could not use a lot of what I had done, sorry)
- Made the café and the ticket house visible with track detail set to low. People where reporting great big holes in the area where they would have been.
- Added two floating hot air balloons, one made with Germany flag colours and one with Nordschleife logo on it.
- Got Tosch’s wheel track map working.

Tosch Changelog

- Adjusted the saturation and brightness for most of the diffuse textures
- Created new normal maps.
- Created new specular maps.
- Re-sized textures
- Removed the bug where you would get a black line floating above trees
- Exchanged 2 tree textures (oak trees)
- New guardrail texture + high res normal map (normal map has a huge impact on the specular reflection) + new specmap
- Added alpha channel for road reflection (wet and mirage) to all road and roadside textures (kerbs, rumble…).
- Added alpha channel to all road and roadside specmaps.
- Exchanged grass textures and added some flowers.
- New textures for some bushes (borrowed from ISI tracks) and alpha channel modification (more transparency) for x-shape bushes and grass billboards.
- Created a new layout “Nordschleife Tourist Autumn”
- Layout is the same as the Summer layout but the track has modified tree textures (and some other green stuff) and no crowd, marshals, tents, etc. in all sessions.
- Race date is 27th of October 2014. Different sun elevation, times for sunrise/sunset.
- Race date for the Summer layout is 14th of July 2014. DST is enabled (daylight saving time).
- At full track detail the Summer layout has an increasing number of track side objects (crowds, tents, marshals and other stuff). Depends on the session (practice, qualifying, race).
- New loading screens and icons.
- New wheel track map
- VehicleConfig.ini for Indycar road configuration is included.
- Realistic default weather profiles
SCN-file adjustments:
- Improved car reflections (Refmap0)
- Added omni lights to fireplaces. Fires are only visible at full track detail, at night, during race in summer layout (VisGroups=(1217)). (See known bugs)
- Added some omni lights to the garage area, fuel station Doettinger Hoehe and Breidscheid.
- Improved LOD multi and Clip planes for better performance.
- Added some tv cams and adjusted some camera positions.
- There is a tv camera on top of the Nuerburg (high LOD and high view distance). Leave the track on the public road (traffic circle) to activate it. You can also press 3 times “End-key” in tv cam mode while sitting in the pits.
- Added background bird sounds to cameras
HDR profile:
- I have included 3 different hdr profiles for each layout
If you change the hdr profile, leave the track and start a new session. Otherwise the profile becomes way to dark. rFactor needs to reset the black point setting and create a new currentProfile.hdp file.
Real Road:
- 4 different real road presets:-
Medium rubber, Full wet medium rubber, Drying line, 55 percent wet. I’ve created this file in devmode. Should be good to observe different dry states of the track.
- The road reflection may look strange in some situations. The reason is that atm only the sky is reflected. To add the reflections of trackside objects the track needs reflection planes for all elevation changes. That’s a job for a pro and not a noob like me.
TDF file adjustments:
- Removed dust from kerbs and run off’s.
- Fixed a grass material that had no friction at Döttinger Höhe, was like driving on ice.


Source : VirtualR.net

Créateurs du circuit : DJC & Tosch


Lien :

> Téléchargement circuit Nordschleife Tourist 1.70 pour rFactor 2

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25 juillet 2014 5 25 /07 /juillet /2014 07:52

The Racing Line a cinq ans ! J'ai rejoint Dim pour l'aider, pour rédiger quelques articles, essayer de faire vivre le blog quand il est un peu débordé dans sa vie privée et professionnelle. Pour le moment, je pense avoir fait le "job", mais je ne compte pas m'arrêter là.

Depuis quelque temps, l'envie de faire du streaming sur des jeux à venir ou des jeux déjà sortis (pCARS, Assetto Corsa) me trotte dans la tête. Cela vous permettra de "voir" ce que donnent certains mods, et d'obtenir des réponses, en direct ou presque, à vos questions. Bref, nous souhaitons vous apporter des concepts différents et plus variés qu'actuellement.


The Racing Line était, en début de mois, à un tournant décisif pour Dim. Le manque de nouveautés, le manque de temps, de son côté comme du mien, ont fait que nous avons douté, un soir, de la continuité du site. Les arrivées massives de mods pour Assetto Corsa, des nouvelles informations provenant de Slighty Mad Studios et diverses vidéos de fans sur iRacing ont relancé une bonne dynamique de publication et d'idées pour le futur. Alors pourquoi ne pas aller de l'avant ?

The Racing Line évolue !

The Racing Line va essayer de faire encore plus !


Hier, on vous indiquait les sorties à venir ou actuelles, sans pour autant vous donner un avis sur ces derniers. C'était simplement de l'information, sans "suite", sans avis, sans test de notre part. Notre objectif, pour cette seconde moitié de l'année, est d'aller plus loin. Vous faire voir ce dont on parle, essayer, en votre compagnie en streaming ou en vous montrant de petites vidéos (avec ou sans commentaires audio) pour vous faire voir ce dont le jeu, ou le mod, en question est capable.


Parviendrons-nous à tenir le rythme ? Peut-être pas... Mais vous pouvez participer, vous aussi, et nous aider ! Vous pouvez nous proposer vos vidéos montrant des Mods, ou des circuits, ou encore des jeux, vos coups de cœur, qu'importe. Si vous avez envie de montrer quelques choses, et que cela correspond à notre vision, c’est-à-dire que nous restons dans la passion du sport automobile et du SimRacing, vous serez relayés, publiés. Le site vit pour vous, et désormais par vous, amis visiteurs et SimRacers. C'est grâce à votre passion, et accessoirement la nôtre, que nous publions ici tous les jours, que nous fouillons de nombreux sites internet pour vous dégoter la pépite qui vous donne envie de faire votre visite quotidienne.


On souhaite vous remercier de votre fidélité, en vous en offrant encore plus !


Nous venons de mettre en place une chaine YouTube officielle pour The Racing Line, c'est ici que vous trouverez toutes les vidéos réalisées par, ou pour, l'équipe du site. Vous pouvez voir, ci-dessous, un petit exemple : un gameplay de la BMW M3 GT2 sur le Nordschleife avec la version 772 de Project CARS (version du 23/07/2014). Il s'agissait d'un streaming Twitch (cela vous permet de juger de la qualité vidéo du streaming) effectué hier, pour tester.

Merci à mon ami Malcolm Moro (virtuellement connu sous le pseudonyme de Supermalki) pour le petit logo nous permettant d'avoir une nouvelle "tête" sur les réseaux sociaux (il détient une chaine YouTube spécialisée dans les cigarettes électroniques, sous le nom de Vapologue si vous souhaitez y faire un tour) et son aide pour la mise en place de la chaine YouTube.


Et merci à vous pour votre soutien depuis ces 5 années. Nous allons essayer de faire plus, dorénavant, pour rester à la hauteur de vos exigences, de votre passion dans le petit monde du SimRacing français.


Nous vous informerons des évolutions du site au fil des semaines... Stay tuned !

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25 juillet 2014 5 25 /07 /juillet /2014 04:03

La Lotus 98T sur le circuit de Monza avec Assetto Corsa...

Vidéo : Team VVV

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24 juillet 2014 4 24 /07 /juillet /2014 03:44

Nous avons déjà parlé de son développement à plusieurs reprises, le circuit Salzburgring 1.0 pour Assetto Corsa est maintenant disponible !

Assetto Corsa circuit Salzburgring 1.0 disponible !
Assetto Corsa circuit Salzburgring 1.0 disponible !
Assetto Corsa circuit Salzburgring 1.0 disponible !
Assetto Corsa circuit Salzburgring 1.0 disponible !

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23 juillet 2014 3 23 /07 /juillet /2014 13:00

Nous sommes mi-Juillet, c'est l'été !


Les enfants sont en vacances, le soleil est là (quoi que...), il fait chaud, la plage, la piscine... Le bonheur quoi.


C'est donc en ce moment que Slighty Mad Studio révèle de sublimes imprime-écrans montrant les effets météorologiques et l'évolution du soleil, de leur future Simulation Automobile.

pCars - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère...
pCars - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère...
pCars - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère...
pCars - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère...
pCars - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère...
pCars - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère...
pCars - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère...
pCars - Il pleut, il pleut, bergère...

J'imagine qu'il y aura toujours des sceptiques, mais ayant la chance d'avoir donné quelques sous aux développeurs lors de leurs recherchent de fonds, je précise qu'il est en effet facilement possible d'obtenir ces effets, sur une machine achetée en 2012.


Liens :

> Site officiel (en anglais)

> Présentation du projet

> Le fil de l'actualité Project CARS sur The Racing Line

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23 juillet 2014 3 23 /07 /juillet /2014 03:42

Un petit apperçu des développements en cours avec l'Alfa Romeo 4C sur le circuit de Spa-Francorchamps.


Ne vous attendez pas à les voir mis à disposition prochainement par contre... Pour Spa, par exemple, ce ne sera pas avant la version 1.0 de la simulation... A moins que la version première version finale soit pour bientôt ?

En développement pour Assetto Corsa...

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22 juillet 2014 2 22 /07 /juillet /2014 19:48

La saison 2 de iRacing est déjà finie ! Le temps passe vite ! C'est donc le moment, pour l'équipe de développement, de nous sortir un gros patch pour la Saison 3 à venir, dès la semaine prochaine !


Au programme : Des ajustements pour équilibrer les GT3, ajout de la Chevrolet Camaro Class B, intégration du circuit de Donington et de Phoenix.


Du côté graphisme, ajout des flammes lors des retrogradages, et ajout de la salissure sur la voiture au fur et à mesure de la course.

A savoir :


Le prochain circuit à rejoindre iRacing sera Monza, mais nous n'avons pas d'estimation de date de sortie (prochaine saison ? Celle d'après ?)


Le "Driver Swap" (la capacité d'avoir plusieurs pilotes pour une voiture, et de faire des relais) est prévu pour la Saison 4. Donc dans 13 semaines, exactement.

iRacing - Saison 3 2014, patch et planning
iRacing - Saison 3 2014, patch et planning

Ensuite, concernant la Saison 3 en elle même, il n'y aura pas de Ford GT GT3 cette saison, comme nous l'avions supposé. Par contre, la catégorie "World Sports Car Series" se remplit avec la Daytona Prototype, HPD ARX, la Ford GT et la RUF 12R C-Spec, donc une course multi-classe avec quatre voitures. Ca peut être sympathique !


Vous trouverez ci-dessous le planning de la saison 3.

iRacing - Saison 3 2014, patch et planning
iRacing - Saison 3 2014, patch et planning



- Enhanced League and Tournament Gridding Options:

· There is now a new grid algorithm called "Top N Inverted". If you select this and click the "Apply Grid Now" button you will be prompted to enter the number of drivers to invert. Previously you were limited to inverting the top 8 or top 10 drivers.

· There is now an option to change a driver's grid position by N positions in either direction. This is intended to make it easier to apply grid penalties. From the "Race Grid Setup" area of the grid builder you can right-click on any driver to access a new popup menu that includes an option to "change grid position". This opens a dialog box where you can enter a number of positions to move the driver. Positive numbers will move the driver towards the pole and negative numbers will move the driver towards the back of the grid.

- Added a new interface for editing league member nicknames.

Race Panel

- Sorting of series has been fixed in the Race Panel pick list where they may have been out of order or miscounted.

- The Select list now lists series based on MPR.


- Updated MPR Images and added tooltips.

- MPR images are now hidden for Class A License and above.

- Spectator pages now have smarter sorting of what's available.

- Layering of elements in the main site has been adjusted to fix some display issues.



- There are no cars left using the version 4 NTM (New Tire Model). All the cars are on version 5 except the Silver Crown and Sprint Car which are both still using the old tire model.

- The tire model has an improved solver to find the amount of tread yaw under dynamic conditions (i.e. non-equilibrium). This has significantly improved transient behavior and tire response to changing loads.

- The modeling of tread wear depth and its effects has been improved. There is now more tread wear on the softer road compounds.

- There is a preliminary model for advancing the tread rubber cure as the rubber gets hot; this gives very reasonable lap time fall off for cars over the course of a race. This model is not enabled on all the cars yet, as there hasn't been time for testing all the cars, but it is on all the high level oval cars and most of the faster road course cars.

User Interface

- Right clicking on any visible driver name or driver helmet will bring up a context menu of actions that can be applied to that driver.


- Disable using the recently added limiter layer sounds during ignition cut up shifts.

iRacing Telemetry API

- Output RadioTransmitRadioIdx and RadioTransmitFrequencyIdx in addition to RadioTransmitCarIdx.

- Output ClassPosition in QualifyResultsInfo section to match ResultsPositions.

- Output CarClassColor.

- Output car, suit, helmet paint info.

- Properly escape more strings in the YAML session string.

- Properly show pressure in telemetry when pressure based brake bias is used.

- Fix telemetry for steering angle on remote cars.


- The driving camera can now be moved down 4" instead of just 2".


- Many cars will now spit out backfire flames when appropriate. Some cars backfire when off throttle, depending on their engine tuning. Others will backfire if you hit the rev limiter or upshift if their engine tuning implements these features via an ignition cut (which passes unburned fuel through to the exhaust). And some of our cars don't make flames at all, typically the lower level cars. The visual effect and the sound effect of backfires are not synchronized at this time. Also, opponent cars do not make backfires during upshifts at this time, only off throttle backfires.


- Reduce the strength of the wind applying to cars to 1/3, so even if the wind says 30mph, it will only affect the car at 10mph. This is to account for ground turbulence and non-wind transparency of solid objects reducing the effective wind strength at ground level.


- Cars will now accumulate grime as a race progresses. The amount is based upon both time and circumstances of the race. This new grime effect causes a dulling of the car, which combines with the dirt accumulation effect which was added previously.

Paint kit

- L.A. Racing, SimCraft, and diysim.com logos added.

- Wheel color support added to the Mazda MX5, Skip Barber Formula 2000, Legends Ford '34 Coupe, and Street Stock.

Scenic Cameras

- Half of the tracks had their scenic cameras improved (or added if missing) in the previous season's update. This update completes that work, with all tracks addressed.


Chevrolet Camaro Class B

- Now available! The physics are identical to the other two Class B cars, and all 3 cars can load each others setups.


- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Performance has been balanced against the other GT3 class cars.

Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Chevrolet Corvette C6R

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Chevrolet Impala Class B

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Chevrolet Impala-COT

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- More front spring range.

Chevrolet National Impala

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Chevrolet Silverado

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Chevrolet SS-Gen6

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Cockpit updated to match new Camaro dash.

Dallara IndyCar

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Dallara DW12 IndyCar

- Full version of the car is now here, supporting all different track types.

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Ford Falcon V8 Supercar

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Ford Fusion-Gen6

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Ford GT

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Fixed a traction control bug. The setting range was from 0 to 5, but should have been (and is now) from 0 to 2.

Ford Mustang Class B

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Two new patterns added.

Ford Mustang FR500S

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.


- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Now has 4-way adjustable shocks; low and high speed bump and rebound.

Kia Optima

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Legends Ford '34 Coupe

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Updated engine sounds to sound better when listening from a distance.

- Wheels can now be painted.

Lotus 49

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Mass and inertia have been completely recalculated. Car has gained approximately 20 kg, and all inertias increased significantly.

Lotus 79

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Mazda MX-5 Cup

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Updated engine sounds to sound better when listening from a distance.

- Wheels can now be painted.

Mazda MX-5 Roadster

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Add distant external sound layer.

- Wheels can now be painted.

McLaren MP4-12C GT3

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Performance has been balanced against the other GT3 class cars.

Modified - SK

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Modified - Tour

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Pontiac Solstice

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Updated engine sounds to sound better when listening from a distance.

Radical SR8

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Riley Daytona Prototype

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- New engine torque map directly from an engine dyno.

- Reduce minimum front ride height to 1.5"

- Lower the minimum splitter height.

Ruf RT 12R AWD

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Ruf RT 12R C-Spec

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Now has 4-way adjustable shocks; low and high speed bump and rebound.

Ruf RT 12R RWD

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Ruf RT 12R Track

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Now has 4-way adjustable shocks; low and high speed bump and rebound.

- Performance has been balanced against the other GT3 class cars.

Skip Barber Formula 2000

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Wheels can now be painted.

Spec Racer Ford

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Star Mazda

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Street Stock

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Wheels can now be painted.

Super Late Model

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Toyota Camry-Gen6

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

VW Jetta TDI Cup

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

Williams-Toyota FW31

- Updated to the latest tire physics.

- Now has lap time fall off from additional tire curing when the tires are hot.

- Adjustments and improvements to the whole car's physics to match the new tire model.

- Reduce fuel fill time deviation.


Donington Park Racing Circuit

- Donington Park Racing Circuit is now available.

- Includes two configurations: GP and National.

- This new track includes 3D crowd characters and 3D animated camera operators. These models will appear in race sessions if Object and Crowd are set to high in options.

Phoenix International Raceway

- This is an all new version of Phoenix based on changes which were made to the track in 2012. The new oval is very different from the previous, including changes which widened the front straight to 62 feet (19 meters), repaved the pit stalls with concrete and moved the dogleg outward by 95 ft (29 m) while increasing its radius to 500 ft (150 m) and changing its banking to 10-11 degrees. In addition, the track changed to progressive banking in Turns 1 and 2 while Turns 3 and 4 were changed to 8-9 degrees in banking and an infield road course was removed, making PIR an oval-only facility.

- Includes two configurations: one that does not allow cutting of the dogleg apron area, and one that does allow full use of the dogleg apron.

- This new track includes 3D crowd characters and 3D animated camera operators. These models will appear in race sessions if Object and Crowd are set to high in options.

Auto Club Speedway

- Fixed a bug where terrain was poking through wall.

- A bumpy area in the infield road course is fixed.

Autodromo Jose Carlos Pace

- Adjusted some 1x areas for consistency (such as the blue painted area to the right of the final turn).

Circuit Gilles Villeneuve

- Remove pit crew objects from pit road as the road is too narrow to fit them.

Circuit of the Americas

- Fixed draw-through signs on the garage.

- Added pit boxes.

- Moved the sign guy out of wall.

Circuit Zolder

- Fixed several track geometry bugs.

Homestead Miami Speedway

- Moved pit crew out of wall.

Iowa Speedway

- Fixed a wall collision issue.

Michigan International Raceway

- Fixed a non-collidable wall in Turn 1.

Phoenix International Raceway circa 2008

- The old version of Phoenix has been re-named to differentiate between it and the new version.

Road America

- The outside of Turn 5 now gives a 1x.

Silverstone Circuit

- Fixed a badly defined segment of track that could crash the sim for everyone connected if someone drove over that one exact spot.

- Fixed pot holes that where between turns 2 and 3.

Sonoma Raceway

- Fixed a light so its shadow starts at the ground.

- Fixed a sunken jersey barrier.

Suzuka International Racing Course

- Fixed issues that caused weird camera and F3 black box behavior near the crossover.

Thompson International Speedway

- Updated for night racing.

- Track updated with new logo.

Forum iRacing

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22 juillet 2014 2 22 /07 /juillet /2014 18:33

A la suite de la mise à jour de ce vendredi dernier, Kunos Simulazioni ne s'est pas arrêté là en mettant quelques petites mises à jours supplémentaires dont le contenu est décrit un peu plus bas dans ce billet.


Comment mettre à jour votre installation ? C'est simple, il suffit de lancer l'application, Steam se chargera du reste...

Assetto Corsa : plusieurs mises à jour...

Liste des modifications (en anglais) :

- Launcher: control configuration now includes assignment option for the newly implemented handbrake as axis (note: mutually exclusive with the button assignment)

- Improved communication with X360 GamePad
- Added password support for pickup servers
- Improved Server Configurator
- Server will now stop with an error if a booking session is added in pickup mode
- Server will now stop with an error if cars in the entry list do not match the legal car entries in the server_cfg
- Server will now stop with an error if multiple tracks are selected in pickup mode (unsupported feature)
- Server will now correctly report to race lobby about the available seats in pickup mode

- Launcher default theme: adjustments to multiplayer session info/request buttons

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