29 mars 2015 7 29 /03 /mars /2015 16:47

La mise à jour 1.1 du Mod BMW E90 320si WTCC est maintenant disponible pour rFactor 2 !

Liste des modifications (en anglais) :


- changed some coefficients following the new available technology of rFactor2
– fixed a graphic issue into the dashboard using HDR
– “cutted” a little slice at the bottom of the front bumper to avoid (partially) to touch the ground, off road
– tuned max speed for AIs closed to the humans
– new talent files for all classes following new ISI specifications
– tuned braking system
– added option to personalize suites of each driver – standard rF2 driver (DRIVER)
– added option to personalize specific BMW E90 helmet of each driver (EXTRA1)
– pay attention for window… you must use WINDOW and duplicate the content to EXTRA0 too

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