3 avril 2014 4 03 /04 /avril /2014 12:16

SimBin a envoyé à tous les utilisateurs de leur dernière simulation, RaceRoom Racing Experience, un petit mail annonçant leurs plans d'action pour 2014, ainsi qu'un récapitulatif de leurs actions faites en 2013 que nous vous fournirons dans un prochain billet.

R3E : Plans pour 2014.
  1. Le Multijoueur

SimBin est en train de travailler sur la mise en place du mode Multijoueur de R3E. Les premiers joueurs à y avoir accès seront les personnes ayant acquis DTM Experience et son "Season Pass". L'alpha est prévue pour cet été et sera ouvert à un plus large public au fur et à mesure des tests.


  1. Interface Utilisateur sur votre Navigateur Web.

SimBin annonce travailler sur une technologie d'Interface Web. R3E sera géré comme iRacing, c'est-à-dire que vous lancerez votre course à partir de votre Navigateur Web.


  1. Amélioration de la gestion des périphériques.

SimBin prévoit de revisiter les Profils de chaque périphérique et de revoir par la même occasion le profil des contrôleurs par défaut. Ils souhaitent aussi travailler sur la partie physique pour ramener plus de réalisme sur le contrôle de la voiture.


  1. Mode Solo

Le Mode Multijoueur est prévu, le mode solo n'est pas en reste, avec l'intégration d'une IA adaptative ainsi qu'un mode "Course simple", qui sera implémenté en même temps que le Multijoueur. Pour information, le mode solo avec l'IA Adaptative existe depuis décembre sur DTM Experience.


  1. "Shared Memory Data"

Je n'ai pas de traduction précise pour ce terme. Il s'agit des données fournies par le jeu pour gérer, grâce à des applications tierce, la télémétrie de la voiture. Le but du "Shared Memory Data" est donc d'accéder simplement aux données télémétriques des véhicules, par exemple. SimBin annonce des évolutions concernant leur technologie et le studio souhaite offrir une documentation technique approfondie pour permettre aux développeurs d'application tierce d'obtenir le maximum d'informations possibles.


  1. Amélioration de l'IA

SimBin annonce travailler sur l'IA et l'IA Adaptative pour augmenter les performances et la précision des voitures contrôlées par l'ordinateur.


  1. Experience Multiple

Et le meilleur pour la fin, comme on s'en doutait, SimBin annonce vouloir utiliser R3E comme base pour pouvoir sortir d'autres DLC comme DTM Experience. Nous avons pu voir il y a quelques mois une vidéo montrant une nouvelle version du WTCC et en fin d'année 2014 nous aurons droit à DTM Experience 2014. Pas plus d'information dessus aujourd'hui.

Le mail en question :

Hello Drivers,
This update gives RaceRoom Racing Experience users a quick overview of the improvements made to the game during the last year and a look ahead at what's coming in 2014.
We invite you to write us in the Steam support forum or directly through the helpdesk if you have any questions about the features and functionality introduced since April 2013.


We are currently working on preparing Multiplayer Alpha. We aim to start stress testing the infrastructure with a limited amount of users before this summer.
Initially Multiplayer Alpha will be made available to DTM Experience Season Pass holders only. In other words, it will be available for players who have purchased a redeem code for DTM Experience 2013 + Season Pass via dtm-experience.com.
Depending on our tests, we will then enable the alpha mode to more of our players.

WEB Technology based User Interface and Menu System
We are currently working on making a switch to WEB technology based UI and Menu system. We are working on revamping the entire presentation of the game with a dynamic and more user friendly WEB technology based approach.
Controller Wizard & Physics
We are revisiting our controller profile system and will revise our default controller profiles. We are also working on the physics side of things to bring more realism to car handling.

Single Player
We are working on completing the Single Player experience for the R3E base. Adaptive AI and Single Race is being implemented for R3E alongside Multiplayer.

Shared Memory Data
We are working on improving our Shared Memory Data system and we are creating a technical documentation to provide better support to 3rdparty developers who develop applications that can be used with R3E. Telemetry app and motion plugin developers will be able get more usable data from the R3E and thereby improve their compatibility with our game.

AI Improvements
We are currently refactoring the AI and the Adaptive AI system to improve the performance and accuracy of computer controller cars.

Multiple Experience System
We are implementing a more dynamic system to support multiple experiences under the R3E umbrella. Different Race series will have their own style and theme within their own unique experiences.


Extended Controller Support
We have added extended controller support for players to be able to user their controllers (D-pads and analogue sticks on gamepads and steering wheels) on every section of the game. This implementation allows controllers to control the mouse cursor to make menu and option browsing more accessible.
Instant Replay in Game
We have added the ability to watch replays instantly during gameplay sessions by pressing the key “I”. This implementation allows players to instantly access the replay to re-watch an event or take screenshots.

Banner-Pack System
We implemented a dynamic banner-pack system where we can dynamically change the visuals on the environment objects such as banners and billboards around a track layout. This allows us to add endorsements and sponsor banners on special events such as competitions.
IBL (Image Based Lighting)
We implemented a lighting/rendering system that improves the look and feel of the visuals in the gameplay environment. The IBL system improves the illumination on the entire environment including the cars.

Account Removal
An account can now be deleted by the user through the account settings link in the portal menu.

Newsletter Subscription
Manage newsletter settings through the account settings link in the portal menu.

Novice Mode
We added novice difficulty for the players that are new to simracing and racing in general. The novice mode includes various automatic assists and in-game HUD (Head-Up Display) markers. The novice mode introduces players to racing and lets them get familiar with the game before they are ready for the more advanced driving models, Amateur and Get Real.

TrackIR Support
We added TrackIR support, a motion tracking hardware that is widely used by gamers, especially simulation players.

Graphical Improvements and Options
We made various improvements to the rendering and the overall graphics of R3E. We also implemented various new graphical options to allow players to customize their visual settings as it suits them. Some of the added options are;
Car & Track Texture Quality
Shader Quality
Rearview Mirror Quality
Reflection Types (Cubemap reflections on car surfaces)

Advanced Stats
We implemented Advanced Statistics to the portal to let players get more detailed statistics on all cars and tracks the player has driven with.

Adaptive AI
We implemented an Adaptive Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that adapts to players performance on individual cars and tracks in race sessions. The AI adapts and adjusts its difficulty based on the performance of the player on the driven car and the track.

Class Based Leaderboards
We added class based leaderboards to allow players to compare their performances across an entire car class. Before this implementation, the players were limited to compare their laptimes in the leaderboard of the individual car only.

Brand Pages
We added Brand Pages for players to subscribe to and get more information about various brands that sponsor our events and competitions.

News Feed
We added Newsfeed section to the portal where players get real-time updates. Via Newsfeed, players get instant updates on their friend’s activity and their favourite brands they have subscribed to.

Photo Feed
We added Photo feed widget to the portal that shows latest uploaded screenshots to the portal. The player can set photo feed to show screenshots from friends only, or let it show all the screenshot updates globally.

Corner Marker Toggle
We have added a corner marker toggle to allow players to turn ON/OFF the corner marker assists. With the introduction of Novice Mode, the purpose of these arrows have diminished and we are now working on updating all the tracks to let players turn off these marker assists.

We have implemented an overlay system which can be seen on DTM Experience 2013. The overlays simulate the experience of watching a race series on TV. In DTM Experience 2013, the overlays are designed after the real life overlays used in DTM races seen on TV.
As an alternative, we have also included an option to turn off the overlays for players who want the fully realistic driver experience instead of the TV experience.

Steam DLC Integration
We implemented Downloadable Content (DLC) system to make our content packages and add-ons available in Steam Store.


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Merci pour la news. Avec toute vous infos, r3e me rend de plus en plus curieux. <br /> Je suis très actif sur iracing que j'adore vraiment. Mais je rêve malgré tout, d'une autre simulation comme r3e ou encore AC en concurrence directe concernant le multi. A lire votre news, r3e semble prendre le même chemin que iracing.
De plus, iRacing offre des circuits scanné au laser, ce qui n'est pas le cas de R3E.
C'est sans doute qu'une impression, SimBin va a priori vers ce qu'attendaient le plus (et au départ) les SimRacers de cette simulation (ou de GTR3 d'ailleurs). Cependant, je n'oublie pas non plus que le studio souhaite aussi toucher les casuals autant que possible ce qui n'est pas vraiment dans la cible iRacing (du moins le système de financement etc. de ce dernier ne va pas dans ce sens, on va plus vers l'élitisme dans ce cas). A voir ceci dit, les studios en garde toujours sous le pied en terme de stratégie et on est jamais à l'abri de surprises (heureuse ou non d'ailleurs).
Merci pour la traduction, vu mon niveau en anglais j'avais beaucoup de mal à comprendre leur mail ;)

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