29 juin 2017 4 29 /06 /juin /2017 14:51

Plus tôt dans le mois de juin, le jeu Wreckfest connu dans son passé sous le nom de "Next car game" s'est vu renaître de ses cendres lors du dernier salon de jeux vidéo de Los Angeles.

La grande nouvelle pour les développeurs de Bugbear entertainment c'est la sortie annoncée pour début 2018 du jeu sur Playstation 4. Aussi, la mise à jour de ce mois de juin est l'une des plus importantes depuis le début du projet. Nous vous avons d'ailleurs, renseigné en dessous les différents points mentionnés par les développeurs. Aussi, le workshop reste très actif depuis le lancement de la beta auprès des joueurs.

Contenu ajouté/amélioré :

  • Added a new track designed for rough racing and epic crashes: Crash Canyon – fans of our earlier games will surely recognize the inspiration.
  • Added a new work-in-progress track, Mixed 7.
  • Replaced the garage with a new, more spacious garage, still work-in-progress though.
  • Implemented vehicle visual customization with parts such as wheels, bumpers, grilles and many more. Please note that for now visual parts do not have a gameplay effect, but in future, parts will affect the weight of the car and increase or decrease the strength of the car as well as the damage it causes to the opposing party in collisions. For now, parts are only available for American 5 and to some extent, American 3, but all cars will eventually receive them. If you have any suggestions for parts you’d like to be added please let us know!
  • Added more performance parts: engines, pistons, valves, camshafts and so on, to allow for more in-depth performance upgrading in the upcoming career. Note that engines are basically per class now, however, installing the best available parts will allow the engine jump to the beginning of the next class. In case the car has a separate banger variant, not all engines are available for all variants.
  • Improved American 3, European 2, European 3 (II), Asian 1 models and gave them a demolition racer makeover.
  • Added new skins for many vehicles and removed some older ones.
Wreckfest - Mise à jour importante en juin et sortie consoles annoncée.

Artistique :

  • Replaced the user interface with a completely new, more modern one that’s actually usable with a gamepad as well. Please note that the new user interface is still heavy being worked on, and for example animations are missing, the art is not final and there are temporary placeholders screens that will be replaced completely. Feedback is still very much appreciated already.
  • Replaced the old broken Sandpit 1 with a new, completely overhauled version.
  • Overhauled Tarmac 1 to open up the environment, add proper runoff areas and generally make it look more like a real race track.
  • Improved the environment art of Tarmac 3.
  • Speedway 1 Figure 8 layout now has ramps in the inner areas to allow for getting back on track even when reset is disabled by the host.
  • Improved low frequency ambient occlusion.
  • Added animated track officials.
  • Updated tire effects.
  • Updated weathers.
Wreckfest - Mise à jour importante en juin et sortie consoles annoncée.

Design/physique :

  • Replaced the user interface with a completely new, more modern one that’s actually usable with a gamepad as well. Please note that the new user interface is still heavy being worked on, and for example animations are missing, the art is not final and there are temporary placeholders screens that will be replaced completely. Feedback is still very much appreciated already.
  • Replaced the old broken Sandpit 1 with a new, completely overhauled version.
  • Overhauled Tarmac 1 to open up the environment, add proper runoff areas and generally make it look more like a real race track.
  • Improved the environment art of Tarmac 3.
  • Speedway 1 Figure 8 layout now has ramps in the inner areas to allow for getting back on track even when reset is disabled by the host.
  • Improved low frequency ambient occlusion.
  • Added animated track officials.
  • Updated tire effects.
  • Updated weathers.
Wreckfest - Mise à jour importante en juin et sortie consoles annoncée.

Problèmes connus : 

  • Clutter shadows are not working.
  • Leaderboards are disabled for now.
  • The backfire effect of the exhaust remains in the original location even when the exhaust is changed.
  • Location and track preview images are placeholders and descriptions are mostly missing.
  • AI sometimes rams other cars right after the green light when trying to navigate to the proper racing line.
  • In extremely rough landings (like after a crash) one or more wheels of the car may clip below the ground.

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Je viens de l'essayer : ca tourne à peine à 15 fps en baissant à mort la qualité (pour info, ma config fait tourner Mad Max en plus de 60 fps avec qualité à fond). Injouable. J'espère que ça va s'améliorer.
J'ai arrêté de croire en ce jeu... Et pourtant j'ai soutenu depuis le tout début, mais là ça fait trop d'années à attendre et chaque mise à jour (tous les 6 mois, et encore...) apporte son lot de désagréments. Le workshop a ouvert des possibilités géniales (tous les circuits de Destruction Derby 2

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